Consulting Jobs

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CUMPANASU PARTNERS recruteaza Senior Lawyer

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Cumpanasu Partners is looking for experienced lawyers

Cumpanasu Partners is looking for lawyers experien...

Cumpanasu Partners is looking for new lawyers

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With over 50 years of experience in the IP field, the Dennemeyer Group is one of the world’s largest companies focused exclusively on the systematic management of Intellectual Property rights and related services. Unique in the market, nowadays we provide the full range of legal services relating to intellectual property rights together with Dennemeyer & Associates, a first-tier IP law firm.

Dennemeyer has been in business since 1962, primarily focused on IP administrative, non-legal services provided by the Dennemeyer Group and IP law firm services provided by Dennemeyer & Associates.

Founded as a patent and trademark law firm in Luxembourg by John J. Dennemeyer, an American patent attorney with Luxembourgish roots, Dennemeyer was a pioneer in internationalizing strategic intellectual asset management. Since then, we have specialized in the preparation and worldwide registration of patents, trademarks and designs for our clients throughout the world.

Dennemeyer Group is one of the first IP service providers extending its global footprint in Europe (starting with the United Kingdom in 1973), Americas (Washington in 1996) and Asia (Tokyo since 1998).

The company’s headquarters are in Luxembourg (Howald), with additional operating companies and offices in Germany (Munich and Frankfurt a. Main), France (Paris), United States (Chicago, IL; and Somerset, NJ), United Kingdom (Bracknell and Stockport), Japan (Tokyo), Romania (Brasov), Switzerland (Zug), and China (Beijing).

Today, Dennemeyer Group is one of the world’s largest IP service companies, with over 250 employees worldwide and almost 100 employees in Luxembourg. We offer Portfolio Services (Patent Annuities, Trademark Renewals), strategic IP Consulting and cutting edge Software Solutions. Our trademark renewal and patent annuity departments alone control over 2 million assets for more than 2,500 clients. Together with Dennemeyer & Associates, we offer a one-stop-shop of worldwide IP-related services: from legal support and IP-law related services to Consulting and comprehensive outsourcing solutions such as Portfolio Services, Software Solutions, Temporary staffing, and even full outsourcing of entire departments.

Dennemeyer is proud to be constantly recognized by its clients as a trustworthy and close partner, rather than just an IP service provider. Our portfolio of clients includes renowned companies like Renault, Michelin, L’Oreal, Porsche; Vodafone among many others which have placed their trust in Dennemeyer.

Quality is of key importance for Dennemeyer as we are a member of the DIN Group (German Institute for Standardization and national member of ISO). Our ISO 9001: 2008 certification represents our commitment to the high quality standards we apply throughout our work. To deliver highest service quality, Dennemeyer installed a Quality Management department with a dedicated Quality Manager in 2009; in May 2011 all international offices of the Dennemeyer Group were certified according to ISO 9001 with the scope of “Providing Services for patent annuity payments and trademark renewals as well as Intellectual Property software and consulting”.

Patent Annuities
Processing over 1.5 million patents, Dennemeyer is a service leader protecting and supporting clients’ patent management. The reliable management of payment deadlines is an essential aspect of our service.  Our specialists continuously monitor country law changes to ensure that our clients’ patent assets are maintained and secure.

Trademark Renewals
Responsible for managing about 0.7 million trademarks worldwide, we provide optimum and unlimited protection for clients’ trademarks in all countries by regularly monitoring changes and carefully managing renewal payments. Our clients further benefit from a cost-effective service due to the large volume of transactions with established local agents.

Software Solutions
Through their unique flexibility and customization opportunities, our software solutions DIAMS iQ (combining a client-server solution and a web-based application) and DIAMS classic (client-server solution) enable the smooth portfolio management, docketing, and accurate data retrieval and reporting.

IP Consulting
Drawing on an industry experience of over 50 years, our experts develop customized methods for IP departments, ranging from the analysis of IP portfolios and optimization of existing workflows and strategies, to the full restructuring of an IP organization: IP Portfolio Mining & Analysis, IP Competitive Assessment, IP Strategy Development, Organizational Strategy and Business Plan Development.

IP Temps
Our service for temporary staffing, IP Temps enables clients to fill temporarily open positions, generated by activity peak times, restructuring phases or any other unexpected circumstance requiring additional help. We can place IP attorneys as easily as paralegals or other clerical staff.

Dennemeyer S.R.L.
Str. Aurel Vlaicu, nr. 94, 500178 Brasov
Phone: +40 368 403600;
Fax: +40 368 403610


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