Consulting Jobs

Cumpanasu Partners is looking for talented versatile attorneys

Cumpanasu Partners is currently expanding its cons...

CUMPANASU INSOLVENCY recruteaza Practician in Insolventa

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CUMPANASU PARTNERS recruteaza Middle Level Lawyer

CUMPANASU PARTNERS recruteaza Middle Level Lawyer ...

CUMPANASU PARTNERS recruteaza Middle Level Lawyer

CUMPANASU PARTNERS recruteaza Middle Level Lawyer ...

CUMPANASU PARTNERS recruteaza Senior Lawyer

CUMPANASU PARTNERS recruteaza Senior Lawyer cu exp...

Cumpanasu Partners is looking for experienced lawyers

Cumpanasu Partners is looking for lawyers experien...

Cumpanasu Partners is looking for new lawyers

Cumpanasu Partners is looking for lawyers experien...

Reff & Asociatii isi deschide portile pentru viitorii profesionisti

Reff si Asociatii SCA, societatea de avocati repre...

Duncea Stefanescu is recruiting experienced lawyer and junior lawyer

Experienced Lawyer, Advisory Requirements- full...

It’s your career. Where will you take it?

Experienced Lawyer with Reff & Associates Real...

Cumpanasu si Dejescu recruteaza avocati

CUMPANASU si DEJESCU recruteaza avocati pentru niv...

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Bento Box - Un pranz rapid si complet, servit intr-un mod specific japonez

Restaurantul Benihana din incinta hotelului Howard Johnson are placerea sa prezinte cel mai nou concept al sau - Bento Box. Acesta vine in intampinarea persoanelor foarte ocupate, care nu au timp sa...

Noul Porsche Boxster vine in Romania din luna aprilie

Programat sa isi faca aparitia in martie pe podiumul elvetian al Salonului Auto de la Geneva, noua generatie Boxster este prezentata deja intr-un comunicat oficial. Porsche a prezentat a t...


"In ceea ce priveste catalogul si portalul, apreciez in mod deosebit aparitia acestor produse media targetate care ne lipseau si care reusesc o monitorizare eficace si obiectiva a societatilor de profil din tara."
Avocat Ovidiu Pop, Partener Badita & Pop

"Nu putem decat sa ne bucuram sincer de succesul repurtat de publicatia si site-ul pe care cu atata minunata competenta le conduceti. Suntem onorati sa ne numaram printre colaboratorii dvs si va dorim sa cresteti constant pe aceasta piata atat de competitiva."
Raluca PUTUREANU, Marketing Specialist ROMINVENT S.A.

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Dennemeyer & Associates

Dennemeyer & Associates is the premier resource for global IP law services - worldwide. For more than 50 years, Dennemeyer & Associates has been providing the full range of legal services relating to the core of your intellectual property management: your intellectual assets. Our lawyers offer world-class expertise in the following areas of IP law: patents, trademarks, designs, copyrights, domain names, IP contracts, licensing and recordals.

Working in unison with Dennemeyer IP Solutions, a leading IP Service Provider, we offer a worldwide single point of contact for the full range of IP services, from legal services to comprehensive outsourcing solutions like Portfolio Services, cutting-edge Software Solutions, IP Consulting, Temporary Staffing or full outsourcing of entire departments.

Our main services include:

Searching, drafting applications (patents, utility models, designs, trademarks), monitoring third party applications, patent mapping, freedom-to-operate studies, filings, replies to office actions, translations, oppositions and appeals, European patent validations, grant and registration procedures, recordals, oral proceedings, IP docketing, foreign filing and a web-based platform for PCT nationalization, EP validations and translations

Nullity actions, cancellation proceedings, court actions, counterfeits and cross-border action.

IP contracts:

Licensing contracts, coexistence agreements, pre-right declarations, disclaimers, non-disclosure agreements, IP sales/purchase agreements, Research & Development (R&D) agreements and assignment contracts.

We hold offices in nine countries: Australia, Croatia, Germany, Luxembourg, Japan, Poland, Romania, United Arab Emirates and United States and we have established a worldwide network of highly experienced professionals enabling us to cover almost all jurisdictions of the world in terms of prosecution and contentious work. We offer complete cost transparency and efficiency because we file and prosecute directly with many national PTOs.

Our experts are qualified to work for you in the following technical and scientific fields, among many others: biochemistry, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, electrical engineering, electronics, mechanical engineering, IT and telecommunications. Whatever your industry, we are able to provide support in all technical areas and we continue to expand our service offerings, adapting to customers’ needs and providing cost-efficient solutions.

For more information, visit:

Dennemeyer & Associates S.R.L.
Aurel Vlaicu Str., no 94, 1st floor, 500178 Brasov
Phone: +40 268 412979;
Fax: +40 268 412965


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