Consultanta pentru afaceri si management
Dennemeyer & Associates
Dennemeyer & Associates S.R.L.
Aurel Vlaicu Str., no 94, 1st floor, 500178 Brasov
Phone: +40 268 412979;
Fax: +40 268 412965
Dennemeyer S.R.L.
Str. Aurel Vlaicu, nr. 94, 500178 Brasov
Phone: +40 368 403600;
Fax: +40 368 403610
BearingPoint consultants understand that the world of business changes constantly and that the resulting complexities demand intelligent and adaptive solutions. Our clients, whether in commercial or financial industries or in government, experience real results when they work with us. We combine industry, operational and technology skills with relevant proprietary and other assets in order to tailor solutions for each client’s individual challenges. This adaptive approach is at the heart of our culture and has led to long-standing relationships with many of the world’s leading companies and organizations.
KCG Consulting & Advisory
KCG Consulting & Advisory
Adresa: Strada Dr. Ernest Djuvara, nr. 3-5, etaj 8, sector 6, Bucuresti
Telefon: +40 31 43 82 900
Fax: +40 31 43 82 901
Email: office[at]
EY Romania
EY Romania
Tel.: 021.402.40.00
Fax: 021.310.71.93
Adr.: bd. Ion Mihalache nr. 15-17, Cladirea Bucharest Tower Center, et. 22, sector 1, Bucuresti
E-mail: office[at]
GBP PRO CONSULTING este o companie romaneasca cu capital privat, specializata in consultanta de management – resurse umane. De la infiintarea sa in anul 2005, GBP PRO CONSULTING acorda consultanta si solutii inovative clientilor sai in proiecte importante de evaluare a posturilor, a angajatilor (management), de creare a structurilor salariale, a strategiilor si policiticilor de recompensare, sau de management al performantei.